Hoy os queremos hablar del proyecto de una amiga, un proyecto que nos gusta y con el que compartimos muchas cosas, sobre todo la ilusión y la forma de hacer.
Royal Caballito es la marca que Diana Saldaña lanza en 2012. Por un lado las ganas de experimentar con el diseño de textiles y realizar la ropa siempre soñada, por otro la idea de que las cosas se pueden hacer de otra forma: con cuidado, usando tejidos naturales de alta calidad, reivindicando lo artesanal y el amor por los detalles así como la producción local y la pequeña escala, lo sostenible y lo perdurable en el tiempo. Todos conceptos a los que nos sumamos sin duda alguna y que nos unen.
Resultado: diseños únicos, especiales, delicados con unos estampados y unos colores muy inspiradores.
Nos gusta la ropa pero no solamente; también la forma de presentarla y el espíritu en cada una de las fotos que nos cuenta una nueva prenda.
¡Quizás en algún momento les propondremos colaborar en el diseño de una pieza de NIMIO!
De momento os dejamos con una selección de fotos de la ultima colección de Primavera/Verano 2015 HARVEST, un homenaje a la naturaleza y a sus colores exuberantes.
¡Muy recomendable!
Today we want to talk about the project of a friend, a project that we like and with which we share many things, especially the enthusiasm and the way to do.
Royal Caballito is the brand that Diana Saldana releases in 2012. On the one hand, the desire to experiment with the textile design and to do always dreamed clothing; on the other hand the idea that things can be done differently: carefully, using high quality natural fabrics, claiming the handmade, details, local production and small-scale. All concepts that undoubtedly we join and that unite us.
Result: unique, special, delicate designs with a very inspiring patterns and colors.
We like clothes but not only; also how to present it and the spirit of each photo.
Perhaps sometime we will propose to collaborate in the design of a new piece by NIMIO!
For now we leave you with a selection of photos from the latest collection Spring / Summer 2015 HARVEST, a tribute to nature and exuberant colours.
Highly recommended!
Photos by Jerónimo Álvarez

Today we want to talk about the project of a friend, a project that we like and with which we share many things, especially the enthusiasm and the way to do.
Royal Caballito is the brand that Diana Saldana releases in 2012. On the one hand, the desire to experiment with the textile design and to do always dreamed clothing; on the other hand the idea that things can be done differently: carefully, using high quality natural fabrics, claiming the handmade, details, local production and small-scale. All concepts that undoubtedly we join and that unite us.
Result: unique, special, delicate designs with a very inspiring patterns and colors.
We like clothes but not only; also how to present it and the spirit of each photo.
Perhaps sometime we will propose to collaborate in the design of a new piece by NIMIO!
For now we leave you with a selection of photos from the latest collection Spring / Summer 2015 HARVEST, a tribute to nature and exuberant colours.
Highly recommended!
Photos by Jerónimo Álvarez