Ishinomaki Laboratory nació como respuesta al terrible Tsunami de marzo de 2011 que destrozó una parte importante de Japón. Con la ayuda de la firma Herman Miller, un grupo de designers dirigido por Keiji Ashizawa creó un 'espacio publico y un centro abierto para la gente local, con el objetivo de recuperar y restaurar el area destruida' impulsando el concepto de diseño DIY (Do It Yourself).
Ishinomaki Laboratorio trabaja con la idea de que los productos elaborados con creatividad tienen el poder de mover a la gente y cambiar su forma de pensar. La esperanza es que la gente de todo el mundo redescubra su propia creatividad innata, y enriquezca la vida y la sociedad para un futuro más satisfactorio.
Con esta idea nacen una serie de diseños muy interesantes: simples, pero funcionales y atractivos. Inspirados en el desafío de aumentar al máximo la escasez de recursos - materiales y habilidades profesionales - derivada del terremoto.
Os dejamos con una muestra de ellos.
Today we want to talk about a project we really love: ISHINOMAKI LABORATORY.
Ishinomaki Laboratory was established in response to the 3/11 eathquake. With the support of 'Herman Miller', a team of designers led by architect Keiji Ashizawa created a 'public space and community center open for local people, to encourage them to restor and reconstruct the area by themselves'. Today, Ishinomaki Laboratory is striving to push the DIY concept forward to broaden the horizons of DIY design, helping to energise people and the community as a local independent company.
Ishinomaki Laboratory is confident that products made with creativity have the power to move people and change their mindset. The hope is that people around the world rediscover their own innate creativity and enrich life and society for a more fulfilling future.
With this idea born a number of interesting designs: simple, but functional and attractive. Inspired from the challenge of maximising the shortage of resources - materials and professional skills - stemming from the earthquake.
We leave you with a sample of them.

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