Todas sus creaciones tienen el sello inconfundible que la hace destacar como una de las diseñadoras gráficas más personales e influyentes en el diseño actual. Son muchos los que tras ella han seguido (y en más de una ocasión han imitado) su estela como dibujante y diseñadora. Os mostramos apenas una pequeña selección de sus trabajos. Si queréis conocer más en profundidad su extensa producción os recomendamos que visitéis tanto su web, Cosas mínimas, como su página de Etsy o su Flickr.
It's a long time I know Blanca Gomez and I love talking about her in this blog because her clean, simple and tender style is a continuous source of inspiration. His works transmit humor, tenderness and an exquisite care for shapes and colours.
What I like most about Blanca is that has evolved without losing her started line.
She's very versatile: she has worked for companies as diverse as Tiffany, in the current Saint Valentine campaign, Marks and Spencer, with a beautiful box-bus Christmas cookies, Coordoné with his wallpapers, the italian publisher Emme Edizioni with illustrations for "Il filobus numero 75" by Gianni Rodari, and many other.
She is one of the most personal and influential graphic designer. There are many people who have followed her wake. We have here a small selection of his works. If you want to know more about his extensive production we recommend you to visit the website Cosas mínimas, and her page in Etsy or Flickr.